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- Password protected page to check sales and update account info
- Link to specific sections of the site or to our home page
- Receive monthly payments via PayPal ($50.00 min. in commission, if not, it rolls to following month)
- You must place a link on your site to generate affiliate sales
- Spamming is not permitted under any circumstance
- You may use our screenshots but they must be stored on your server
- You may use our information to better explain the product details
- You may not frame our site or claim it to be any other than
- You will start earning commission following your first affiliate generated sale.
- Sales are for product totals minus any promotional discount ( shipping & handling not included in product totals)
If you would like to exchange links, please send us an e-mail message to with the information you would like us to add on our Links page, such as your URL, a title for your site, and the text that you would like displayed. If you would like us to add a button graphic, please be sure to attach it to your message or send us the URL where we can get it.
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